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RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

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Why buy RRB NTPC 2025 Package?

Detailed Solutions

Elaborate solutions to every question help you understand your mistakes and in improving your future performance.

Latest Pattern Tests

All the tests are based on the latest pattern and have top quality content.

All India Ranking and Personalised Analytics

Comparison with thousands of test takers all over the country gives you a better idea about your preparation and progress.


RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

Use our extensive sample exams to get ready for the RRB NTPC 2025 exam and succeed in it. Use our free practice exam to improve your readiness. We provide 21 Phase-1 sample exams to guarantee comprehensive covering of the first stage. Explore further with 5 Phase-2 practice exams that are meant to mimic examination settings. Use free General Knowledge notes and concept videos to enhance your education. Try your luck in the RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 to see how you stack up nationally. With our wealth of materials, you may improve your preparedness and put yourself in a position to succeed on the RRB NTPC exam. Don't let this chance pass you by start down the path to success right now.

Free Railways RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 

The RRB NTPC notification for several positions, including non-technical, paramedical, ministerial, isolated, and Level-I positions, has been made public by the Railway Recruitment Board. Those who are interested in applying for this next RRB NTPC recruitment should make sure they have enough exam practice by taking mock exams in a timed format similar to the real one. To guarantee that applicants are adequately prepared, PracticeMock has launched a comprehensive RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025. This set of examinations comprises past year papers, comprehensive practice exams, and topic-specific assessments based on the most recent exam format. Frequent practice with these exams helps candidates identify areas for development by helping them analyze themselves and become familiar with the format, complexity of the questions, and time management of the test.

Benefits Of RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

  1. Familiarity with Exam Pattern: RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 help candidates understand the structure and pattern of the RRB NTPC exam, including the types of questions, marking scheme, and time allocation for each section.
  2. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses: By taking RRB NTPC CBT 1 Mock Test, candidates can identify their strengths and weaknesses in different topics and sections. This enables them to focus their preparation efforts on areas that need improvement.
  3. Time Management Skills: Practicing with RRB NTPC Mock Test helps candidates improve their time management skills by learning to allocate time effectively to each section. This is crucial for completing the exam within the stipulated time frame.
  4. Performance Evaluation: RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025 provide candidates with an opportunity to assess their performance and gauge their readiness for the actual exam. Analyzing mock test results helps in understanding where one stands in terms of preparation and what adjustments are needed.

Steps To Attempts For RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025

To attempt the RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025, you can follow the steps given below-

Step 1: Go to the PracticeMock official website.

Step 2: Register yourself.

Step 3: Click on the ‘Free Mock Test' tab.

Step 4: Then, click on the ‘RRB NTPC Test Series' tab and select ‘RRB NTPC'.

Step 5: The RRB NTPC test will appear on your screen.

Step 6: Click on ‘Take test Series' to begin your mock test.

Step 7: After completion of the RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025, the results will be released immediately. you can check your score and boost your Performance.

Why Take PracticeMock Test Series?

  • PracticeMock's RRB Group D test series provides a real exam environment.
  • This test series will help you familiarize yourself with the latest exam patterns and types of questions.
  • Test series questions are designed based on the previous exams by which you will be able to know the difficulty level of the exam.
  • Practicing these tests will help you in increasing your preparation level.
  • After performing the mock test, you will get a detailed performance report.
  • Mock tests are performed as the best tool for revision purposes.

Mistakes to Avoid During Taking Railways NTPC Mock Test

  • Focus on time management when you practice the mock test.
  • Make sure that you have sufficient time when you take the mock test.
  • Move on to the next question, if one is taking too much time.
  • Don't forget to analyze your performance after taking the mock test.

RRB NTPC Exam 2025 For CBT 1

1 Mock Test Free For RRB NTPC Exam 2025

20 Mock Test For RRB NTPC Exam 2025

Total Marks: 100

Total Question: 100

Duration: 90 minutes

RRB NTPC Exam 2025 For CBT 2

NTPC Stage2 II (2&3 Payroll) - Test 5

NTPC Stage2 II (5&6 Payroll) - Test 5

Total Marks: 120

Total Question: 120

Duration: 90 minutes

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2025 CBT 1 

  1. The first stage of the CBT is screening in nature, and the questions on the test will normally be in line with the qualifications required for the positions.
  2. For candidates with disabilities, the exam lasts 120 minutes.
  3. For each incorrect response, a quarter of a mark will be subtracted. Negative marking will apply.
  4. The total number of candidates to be shortlisted, based on their merit in the first stage of CBT and post choice, must be 20 times the number of community-specific openings of jobs announced against the RRB.
  5. Candidates for the second stage of the CBT will be selected based on merit using the normalized score from the first round.
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2025 [CBT-1]
SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Mathematics303090 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning 3030
General Awareness4040

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2025 For CBT 2

  1. For candidates with disabilities, the exam lasts 120 minutes.
  2. There's a 1/3 negative indication there.
  3. For each post level, there will be a different set of questions.
  4. There will be mark normalization.
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2025 [CBT-2]
SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Mathematics353590 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning3535
General Awareness5050

RRB NTPC Exam 2025

Check all the latest updates on RRB NTPC Exam 2025 in the below table. 

Full-FormRailway Recruitment Board - Non-Technical Popular Categories
Exam levelNational Level
Conducting AuthorityRailway Recruitment Board
Exam ModeFor both the stages - Online i.e. Computer Based Test (CBT)
CBT Stage 1, 2 Exam DateReleased Soon
Total No. of VacancyTo be notified
FrequencyOnce a year

RRB NTPC Mock Test: FAQs

I have completed a RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025. When will I get my score?

On submission of your RRB NTPC Mock Test 2025, your score and All-India rank would be immediately generated. The All India ranking is dynamic in nature and it would change as more users attempt that mock test.

Can I attempt a test more than once? +

A test can be attempted only once. However, you can review the solutions and analysis of the attempted tests as many times as you want.

What happens if I get disconnected during a test? +

If you get disconnected while attempting a test, all your data till the disconnection will get saved and you will be able to resume from the same state later. You are advised to close the test window in this case and resume when you have connectivity again.

In what all languages mock tests are available? +

Tests are provided either in English or in both English and Hindi. For a particular test, you may check the languages it is available in while purchasing the package.

How can an RRB NTPC mock test help me? +

Our mock tests are designed by our subject matter experts that mimic the real exam.

How many times can I attempt the free RRB NTPC mock test? +

You can attempt the free RRB NTPC mock test multiple times.

Do RRB NTPC Free Mock Tests contain detailed solutions? +

Yes, the RRB NTPC Free Mock Tests contain detailed solutions.

Is the RRB NTPC exam hard? +

The overall difficulty level of the exam is moderate (based on the previous exams).

Is RRB NTPC CBT 1 qualifying? +

Yes, the RRB NTPC CBT 1 is qualifying.

Which test series is best for the RRB NTPC exam? +

PracticeMock's RRB NTPC test series is best for the RRB NTC exam.

What is RRB NTPC salary? +

The RRB NTPC salary ranges from Rs 29200 to Rs 35,400.

What is the salary of a Station Master? +

The estimated total pay for a Station Master is ₹43,000 per month,

What is the typing speed for NTPC? +

The word limit for the RRB NTPC typing test are as follows: Candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi.

Does NTPC have a negative marking? +

Yes, there will be a negative marking of ⅓ for every wrong answer.

How to take the RRB NTPC online mock test? +

We have provided the link to take the RRB NTPC online mock test.

How can I improve my online test? +

Regular practice, revision, and taking mock tests, will help you to improve online tests.

How beneficial is the RRB NTPC Mock Test Series? +

RRB NTPC mock tests improve time management, identify weak areas, and boost confidence and speed.

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